The Millix Foundation is pleased to announce the first exchange listing of Wrapped Millix (WMLX), an erc-20 token, on P2B on March 28, 2023.
The Millix Foundation believes that the security of the Wrapped Millix smart is of utmost importance. The Millix Foundation engaged Hacken, a leading security...
Bridging the Millix ecosystem and Ethereum network
On January 5, 2023, WMLX (Wrapped Millix) launched as an ERC-20 token on the...
Process to Convert Millix (MLX) to/from Wrapped Millix (WMLX)
In order to make Millix accessible to the ERC-20 compatible blockchain, Millix can be wrapped and unwrapped. In the process, new WMLX is minted and sent via a bridge to the ethereum blockchain...
Dr. Emmanuel Braden
Millix is a novel cryptocurrency. It is novel because it does not utilize blockchains or tokens or other similar technologies. It utilizes a Directed Acyclic Graph, or DAG. Each transaction, from the genesis on, is a node on the graph.